Технологическая карта:


Номер Название Описание
1. Possessive case Grammar regarding the topic 'Possessive case'.
2. Possessive adjectives Grammar regarding the topic 'Possessive adjectives'.


Номер Название Вид Сложность Баллы Описание
1. Grammar. Possessive case 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1 Б. Practice in grammar regarding possessive case. Look at the picture and choose the number of the word.
2. Grammar. Possessive adjectives 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1 Б. Grammar regarding possessive adjectives. Choose the correct preposition.
3. Grammar. Using possessive case 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1,5 Б. Grammar regarding possessive case. Choose the best answer.
4. Grammar. Use of possessive adjectives 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1,5 Б. Grammar regarding possessive adjectives. Choose the best answer.
5. Grammar. About possessive adjectives 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1,5 Б. Practice in grammar regarding possessive adjectives. Choose the right translation from Russian into English.
6. Grammar. Using possessive adjectives 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1,5 Б. Practice in grammar regarding possessive adjectives. Choose the right translation from English into Russian.
7. Spelling. Possessive adjectives 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Practice in spelling regarding possessive adjectives. Write the missing letters of the words.
8. Reading. My best friend 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Practice in reading related to the topic 'Possessive case'. Write 'yes' or 'no'.
9. Reading. Possesive case 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Practice in reading related to the topic 'Possesive case'.
10. Grammar. Use of possessive case 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Grammar regarding possessive case in singular. Choose the correct answer.
11. Grammar. About possessive case 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Practice in grammar regarding possessive case in singular and plural. Fill in into the gaps.
12. Grammar. Possessive adjectives (practice) 2 вид - интерпретация сложное 3 Б. Grammar regarding possessive adjectives. Write the correct possessive adjectives.
13. Grammar. Using possessive case 2 вид - интерпретация сложное 3 Б. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Possessive case'. Transformation of sentences with a possessive pronoun to the possessive case.
14. Grammar. Spelling words Другой лёгкое 1,5 Б. Practice in spelling related to the topic 'Possessive adjectives'. Check spelling regarding possessive adjectives.
15. Writing. Possessive case Другой сложное 6 Б. Practice in writing and grammar regarding the topic 'Possessive case'. Translate the word combinations into English.
16. Writing. Sentences with possessive adjectives Другой сложное 6 Б. Practice in writing and grammar regarding the topic 'Possessive adjectives'. Make up sentences with new words.


Номер Название Рекомендованное время: Сложность Баллы Описание
1. Training test. Possessive case and adjectives 00:15:00 среднее 8 Б. Practice in grammar and reading related to the topic 'Possessive case. Possessive adjectives'.
2. Training test. Possessive case and adjectives 00:15:00 среднее 9 Б. Practice in grammar and reading regarding possessive case, possessive adjectives.

Проверочные тесты (скрыты от учеников)

Номер Название Рекомендованное время: Сложность Баллы Описание
1. Homework. Possessive case and adjectives 00:20:00 среднее 7,5 Б. Practice in grammar and spelling related to the topic 'Possessive case and adjectives'.
2. Homework. Possessive case and adjectives 00:20:00 среднее 10,5 Б. Practice in grammar and spelling related to the topic 'Possessive case and adjectives'.
3. Progress test. Using possessive case 00:20:00 сложное 6 Б. Practice in writing and grammar related to the topic 'Possessive case'.
4. Progress test. Using possessive adjectives 00:20:00 сложное 6 Б. Practice in writing and grammar related to the topic 'Possessive adjectives'.