Технологическая карта:


Номер Название Описание
1. Adverbs. Positions in the sentence Grammar material related to the topic 'Adverbs and their positions in the sentence'.
2. Adverbs of frequency Grammar material related to the topic 'Adverbs of frequency'.
3. Adverbs. General information Grammar materal about adverbs. General information.
4. Adverbs. Degrees of comparison Grammar related to the topic 'Adverbs. Degrees of comparison'.
5. Adverbs of manner Grammar material related to the topic 'Adverbs of manner'.
6. Adverbs of time Grammar material related to the topic 'Adverbs of time'.
7. Adverbal phrases of duration Grammar regarding adverbal phrases of duration.
8. Adverbs of degree. Important moments Grammar regarding adverbs of degree.
9. Intensifiers Grammar material related to the topic 'Intensifiers'.
10. Focus adverbs Grammar regarding focus adverbs with examples.


Номер Название Вид Сложность Баллы Описание
1. Adverbs. Forms 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1 Б. Grammar practice in the formation of adverbs.
2. Adjective or adverb? 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1 Б. Grammar practice related to the parts of speech.
3. Adverbs of frequency 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1,5 Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar related to the topic ' Adverbs of frequency'.
4. The right form. Adverbs 1 вид - рецептивный лёгкое 1,5 Б. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Adverbs'.
5. Yet or already 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Yet or already.'
6. Adverbs already, yet, just 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 5 Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice regarding adverbs - Already/Yet/Just.
7. Adverb or adjective? 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Multiple-choice questions related to the topic 'Adverbs'.
8. Adverbs in sentences. The right form 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Grammar practice in adverbs and their forms.
9. Adverbs with -ly and without 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Adverbs'.
10. Adverbs and their position 1 вид - рецептивный среднее 3 Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice related to the order of adverbs in sentences.
11. Intensifiers in sentences 2 вид - интерпретация сложное 4,5 Б. Grammar related to the topic 'Intensifiers'.
12. Listening. A song by Atlantic Starr 2 вид - интерпретация сложное 4,5 Б. Practice in grammar and listening related to the topic 'Adverbs'.
13. Listening. Honesty 2 вид - интерпретация сложное 4,5 Б. Practice in grammar and listening related to the topic 'Adverbs'.
14. Listening. A song with adverbs 2 вид - интерпретация сложное 4,5 Б. Practice in listening and spelling related to the topic 'Adverbs'.
15. Adverbs formation Другой лёгкое 1,5 Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice in the formation of adverbs.
16. Adverbs of degree Другой среднее 3 Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice regarding to adverbs of degree.
17. Writing. Adverbs in sentences Другой сложное 7 Б. Practice in writing and grammar related to the topic 'Adverbs'.
18. Listening. A song by Bill Joel Другой сложное 4,5 Б. Practice in listening and writing regarding adverbs and other parts of the speech.
19. Writing. School activities Другой сложное 7 Б. Practice in grammar and writing regarding adverbs.


Номер Название Рекомендованное время: Сложность Баллы Описание
1. Training test. General moments about adverbs 00:15:00 среднее 8,5 Б. Practice in grammar regarding adverbs.
2. Training test. Adjectives and adverbs. 00:15:00 среднее 10 Б. Practice in grammar and understanding the differences in adverbs and adjectives.

Проверочные тесты (скрыты от учеников)

Номер Название Рекомендованное время: Сложность Баллы Описание
1. Homework. Types of adverbs 00:20:00 среднее 11 Б. Practice in grammar related to different types of adverbs.
2. Homework. Adverbs and their formation 00:20:00 среднее 12,5 Б. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Adverbs and their types'.
3. Progress test. Writing and listening 00:30:00 сложное 20,5 Б. Practice in grammar, listening and writing with adverbs.
4. Progress test. Writing and grammar 00:30:00 сложное 24,5 Б. Practice in writing and grammar regarding different types of adverbs.