Условие задания:
Read the text about job interviews
Job interview is a meeting with a potential employer. The purpose of it is to make sure that the employer finds a good asset to the team and the candidate learns as much as possible about the position and the company.
When a candidate hasn't got much work experience (or none at all), the first job interview can seem difficult to get through. Here are some tips that will help you make a good impression and get the job you want.
1. Do some research beforehand. Look the company up on the Internet, find out about the employer, the employees, working conditions, goods and/or services the firm produces as much as possible. Don't ignore reviews from ex-employees, but they might not be true.
2. Don't be late. It's rude and makes a bad impression on the employer.
3. Dress appropriately. Office or semi-formal style is desirable, but if it is an interview in a creative sphere like design, music production or arts casual outfit may be acceptable too. Again, try to find out the dress code rules in advance, if it isn't possible, go for office wear.
4. Have your CV and diploma on you, as well as the reference letters from your previous employers or teachers.
5. Don't be shy to present your skills. Tell about the projects you took part in and highlight your participation. Tell the employer about your fortes, your strong points.
6. Don't hesitate to ask questions about anything related to the position — working conditions, working hours, salary, etc.
Follow our advice and be sure that you will get your dream job!
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